Young Writers: The World Needs and Wants Your Stories!
David Gearing and Akusai Publishing want to help you grow and write your stories! We know that schools can make writing a chore. A mind-numbing process that destroys creativity. And worse yet, they grade your creativity.
Who does that???
Well, we don't. And we won't. Ever. We want to help you write your stories and teach you how to trust your instincts, learn your writerly voice, and become more confident at the page (or Word document, or whatever your platform of choice is).
In other words, we want to help you write like a professional writer, because how your English or Language Arts teacher teaches you to write and how real world authors write are not always the same. Sometimes, they're from two different realms of existence all together.
We have been developing some courses to teach you just that. Our first FREE course is all about Brain Babies: Where Do Ideas Come From? You can find that on Teach:able very, very soon.
We're also developing classes to help you write a short story without an outline, because we know that teachers LOVE outlines. And they love to make you plan and plan and plan until you don't care about the project anymore. We've lived it, we've done it (sorry to all of our classroom students out there), and we regret every moment of it.
What else is coming? Well, have you ever wondered...
- How do you make someone read or reread a section?
- How do you make someone feel sad?
- How do I write about something I have never experienced?
- How do I make my story feel like it's speeding up?
- How do I make sure my reader doesn’t get emotionally exhausted?
- How do I slow my story down? I feel like too many things are going on, and if it keeps up, I’ll reach the end of my story before I reach my word goal.
- How do you change voices?
- I want to make sure my side characters get a fair amount of “screen time”, so I want to make sure they get an even amount of time they are showcased on the pages. Is there a specific way to do that?
- I had a question about the Deus ex Machina, or the “God from the machinery”, I hear that it’s a bad thing to have in your story, unless pulled off correctly. So how would I avoid it, and if I’m unsuccessful, how would I pull one off correctly?
- How do I know what genre I'm writing? What are genres, anyway?
- How do I format Microsoft Word to write my story?
- How do I slow my story down? I feel like too many things are going on, and if it keeps up, I’ll reach the end of my story before I reach my word goal. (Yes, it can be done!)
- How would I introduce a new character into my story, and how would I get them to gain trust (and potentially betray the trust)?
...And More!
If you want to find out more, and you're 13 years old or older, click the button below to find out when classes are available:
Teachers, We Haven't Forgotten About You!
We want to help you, too!
David Gearing and Akusai Publishing are putting together some courses to help you teach Creative Writing with a real-world focus.
- Learn what Creative Writing really is, and how it applies to every form of writing you assign.
- Learn about creativity rules and fundamentals. Creativity is a way of operating, not a thing you do.
- Learn how to look at writing to encourage student confidence.
- Learn how to appeal to every type of writer in your classroom without multiple lesson plans.
...and more!
Stay tuned as we get our materials together and videos filmed.